Song of the Day

All posts tagged Song of the Day

It took me a couple of songs to get into this, but I’m really enjoying it from that point on. Reminds me a lot of Rainer Maria.

Yep, destruction unit. They got booted from a restaurant during filming of this. Reading this reminds me of a show my college band clean shaven christ played.  Similar results.

“About halfway through, the restaurant was empty,” the band told FADER in an email. “By the third song in the set, the owner had kicked us out. One guy loved it, and gave us an ounce of weed he’d grown himself.”

A bit of an all star band here. Via Brooklyn Vegan:

No Chief is Sebadoh/Fiery Furnaces drummer Bob D’Amico new band. The songs are his, but he brings in a load of help, including his Sebadoh bandmate Jason Loewenstein, his Fiery Furnaces bandmate Matthew Friedberger, and Versus’ James Baluyut. On the two tracks that are up on No Chief’s bandcamp, Petra Haden (That Dog, The Decemberists) sings lead. You can listen to both of those below.

Check it out.