nefeli walking undercover

All posts tagged nefeli walking undercover

Each month, in the International Radio Shower, we will explore interesting (to us) music from around the world. This feature publishes every Friday. This month will focus on music in Greece.

OK, so, lately i’ve fallen in love with clicking on a country tab on bandcamp and finding new music. This started with my self awareness that I have no idea what is coming out of most parts of the world. Sure, I know some music from some of the obvious places (hi UK and New Zealand). But what are they doing with indie, punk, post punk, or riot grrrl in Greece or Greenland or South Korea? Matt told me they have a great psyche rock scene in Chile. So it seemed obvious to spend more time exploring music internationally and to share what we find.

And so it was that a couple of weeks back I ventured into music from Greece. Aided by the fact that my girlfriend enjoys doing this too and she is fond of Greece. I already have an LP from Acid Baby Jesus. So I know there is goodness there. But all I know is that someone in Greece came up with the awesome band name, Acid Baby Jesus, and they make good garage rock.

Of course, not all Greek bands are available affordably on the US domestic front. Slovenly Records happens to have several from Greece. And keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive take on Greece music. It’s just me poking around and making note of interesting (to me) music on bandcamp.

More after the fold…

Nefeli Walking Undercover

Greece seems to have a lot of post rock and a lot of stoner rock (limited sample size aside). But it was an experimental folk rock album from Nefeli Walking Undercover that caught most of my attention. Nefeli Walking Undercover is the pseudonym for a musician and music teacher from Athens named Nefeli Liouta. She is a composer too which is something that explains the fine arrangements on many of these tracks. Some of my favorite songs are from her older ep. Here is a sample:

I really appreciate their cover art for the lp. It’s just great and probably what caught my attention in the first place. And if you are in Greece, or are ok paying the international shipping, the cd comes with a 60″x60″ poster of the cover art. Also, they have a bunch of great videos they have made for their music, such as this one.

Coming Next Week: Part II on Greek’s record label εἰρκτή.