Hot Chip apply their deadpan funk to The Boss’ classic, and then segue into LCD Soundsystem’s “All My Friends” towards the end of the video, though the latter isn’t quite as much of a stretch for them.
Hot Chip
All posts tagged Hot Chip
Alright, there’s a lot of moving parts here, so stay with me: A few years ago, David Byrne (he of Talking Heads fame, amongst a million other projects) released a compilation of tracks by William Onyeabor, a Nigerian artist who recorded most of his output in the late seventies and early eighties. Just last year, Hot Chip covered “Atomic Bomb”, which was originally recorded by Onyeabor in 1978, for yet another compilation, this one featuring covers of the original compilation released by Byrne a few years earlier. Still with me? Good. Now, John Talabot has remixed that Hot Chip song into what your listening to right now. Confused? That’s OK. Hopefully you can still enjoy the tune.
Hello, old friend.