Lest you haven’t heard yet, Helen is a supergroup of sorts, featuring members of Eternal Tapestry and Eat Skull backing the ethereal vocals of Liz Harris, AKA Grouper (who, incidentally, was planted firmly at the top of my year end list for 2014). “Violet” follows the previously released ““Motorcycle” and continues to emphasize the “dream” in dream pop. Is there any label more consistent than Kranky?
Eternal Tapestry
All posts tagged Eternal Tapestry
Are you into driving, instrumental psych rock with an equal fervor as you’re into arboreal, highly-intelligent primates? Better sit down, then, cause I’ve got some news for you. All proceeds from Eternal Tapestry’s new LP Guru Overload are being passed on to the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation. Finally, a way to safely combine your two favorite pastimes!