
Happy Christmas Eve Day. The folks at wiaiwya released a new Christmas mix this morning. Enjoy.

Prince Rama have always had a decent idea of when shtick becomes too goofy for its own good, and have psychedelically towed that line for a good number of years now. In that spirit, the duo’s upcoming LP is called Xtreme Now, and it’s a concept album about, you guessed it, extreme sports. If that wasn’t quirky enough for you, the band claims to have recorded the entire thing “on a black metal utopian commune” off the coast of Estonia with XXXChange, who’s name you may recognize from his former work with Baltimore party-starter Spank Rock. Of course, none of this would really matter if Prince Rama didn’t consistently churn out good music, and “Bahia” is damn good.

Florist put out a fantastic EP this year, and they’ve already got an LP lined up for next. “White Light Doorway” wouldn’t have sounded at all out of place on the all-too-short Holdly, so here’s hoping the upcoming The Birds Sang Outside is just as charming.

These folks have a new 7″ coming out via Chunklet in January. For now, you get this.

Pretty cool that this song was recorded with Tom Morello on guitar. David is an old friend and one of the most prolific song writers out there.  Pretty much all political and current at that.