Yesterday was the birthday thing for me. Somehow this song feels appropriate today. Hard to explain but this is an old favorite of mine.
Holy crap this makes me happy. A touch of the runaways meets 90s indie.
short, psychedelic, and comforting.
Lovely “americana” folk… from the UK apparently. Probably a good mellow tune for a Monday so you don’t lost focus at work.
So very British meets Best Coast.
Happy Saturday world! You are going to love this. Unless of course you suck.
I took President’s Day off apparently. Here is something simple and enjoyable.
OK, this time i’m in front but barely. Dirty Dishes will be in town on Tuesday night at Spirit. This is new and they are good.
Love this new song from the Thermals. Nice guitar licks. I couldn’t embed this other video, but check it out. A little surprised to see Jessica Boudreaux on guitar. Is that permanent? Either way, The Thermals are finally making their way to Pittsburgh on April 24th. I’ve been waiting a long time.
On Wednesday, I mentioned a show on Tuesday that you probably missed involving math rock bands. I had not heard local Pittsburgh act High Deaf before. They are quite good and worthy of a closer look. Enjoy.