
All posts by jayne k

Well, I noticed a gap in my listening to Central American music so here is some quick hits from Honduras.

I thought this metal from Meaning of Life was actually quite good. Very serene for metal.

I’ve been in a girl pop kick of late and this album from Isabella Lovestory really met that niche pretty well.

The experimental sounds of Bestias are an acquired taste but relaxing, enjoyable.

If you like the world music thing, Aurelio does it well.

How about some punk with an electronic industrial edge? This is good.

Some jazzy electronica. Solid.

OK, 3.5 hours of Christmas Music for you! Split into two parts.

Part 1

Part 2

The Four CornersKindercore Records Christmas, Vol. 2My Gift to You (It’s Me)
Howard Hughes & David TattersallChristmastime, ApproximatelyThere In Bristol After Christmas
My BubbaChristmas Slam Dunk: Paul DeGeorge’s 2023 Holiday MixChampagne Drops
aeseaesChristmas Songs (2018-2022)Carol of the Bells
The DoubleclicksChristmas Ain’t About MeWherever You Are
Casiotone for the Painfully AloneChristmas Resistance: Paul DeGeorge’s 2016 Holiday MixCold White Christmas
The FlirtationsPaul DeGeorge’s Christmas 2009: More Sleigh BellChristmas Time is Here Again
Slow ClubChristmas, Thanks For NothingChristmas, Thanks for Nothing
Lydia Liza & Josiah LemanskiBaby, It’s Cold Outside – SingleBaby, It’s Cold Outside
VariousA Very Cherry Christmas 17The Snow Is Falling
Phallus Über AllesRiot Grrrl ChristmasFather Christmas
Eux AutresAnother Christmas At HomeMerry Xmas Everybody
Bad ReligionChristmas SongsGod Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Laura HockingFor Folk’s Sake It’s Christmas 2010I Am Christmas
Eden BrentAn Eden Brent Christmas with Bob DowellThe Christmas Waltz
The DollyrotsA Very Dollyrots ChristmasBecause I’m Santa
Furnace and the FundamentalsA Very Furnace ChristmasYou Shook Me All Night Long (Christmas version)
Colin ClaryPaul DeGeorge’s Christmas 2009: More Sleigh BellMeow Meow
TacocatMerry Christmas, The President is Terrible: Paul DeGeorge’s 2018 Holiday MixSnow Day
MatagotRiot Grrrl ChristmasChristmas Wrapping
Deer TickHoly Shit, It’s Christmas!Christmas All Summer Long
Vista BlueHave Yourself a Merry Indie Christmas (Volume III)I Want New Ramones Songs For Christmas
watch out for rockets13 days of xmasdrummer girl
Janet DevlinDecember DazeHappy Holidays
Meg & DiaDecember, DarlingLights Blown Out
Cyndi Lauper, The HivesA Christmas DuelA Christmas Duel – Cyndi Lauper, The Hives
The Happy SomethingsDON’T MENTION IT! (ALBUM)Nothing’s Just For Christmas
Major HandySanta’s Funk & Soul Christmas Party 4I Won’t Be Home For Christmas
Nervous TwitchHave Yourself a Merry Indie Christmas (Volume III)Snowball
Cynthia LinCozy ChristmasWinter Wonderland
Brown BirdThe Brown Bird Christmas AlbumMerry Christmas, Baby
Jenny O.The War on Christmas: Paul DeGeorge’s 2011 Holiday MixGet Down for the Holidays
David Carswell and Megan BarnesCountdown to Christmas 2008I Wanna Kiss You This Christmas
KincaidKindercore Records Christmas, Vol. 2Summer Is Half a Year Away
The FutureheadsHave Yourself a Merry Indie Christmas (Volume III)Christmas Was Better In The 80s
The RosebudsChristmas Tree IslandMelt Our Way Out
Wild ChildChristmas Mixtape: Volume IILast Christmas
The Brixton RiotHave Yourself a Merry Indie Christmas (Volume III)Lockdown Holiday
Rachel SermanniFor Folk’s Sake It’s Christmas 2012Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Jennifer O’ConnorHere With MeXmas Party
Iggy PopPunk Rock ChristmasWhite Christmas
jesuChristmas EP (Remaster+)Christmas
Girlfriend MaterialChristmas Slam Dunk: Paul DeGeorge’s 2023 Holiday MixWinter and Construction
BusytobyKindercore Records Christmas, Vol. 2Hyun’s Snowy Night
Places To HideGetting Old EPChristmas
PartnerSpent a Fortune on Nuts: Paul DeGeorge’s 2021 Holiday MixSanta is Real (Live at the House of Strombo)
Sufjan StevensSongs For ChristmasHey Guys! It’s Christmas Time!
Ingrid MichaelsonIngrid Michaelson’s Songs for the Season Deluxe EditionChristmas Time Is Here
The WillowsFor Folk’s Sake It’s Christmas 2012We Three Kings
Slow ClubChristmas, Thanks For NothingChristmas TV
moopthebandA Very Saint-Brooklynsburg Christmas!rockin’ around the christmas tree
BROSSJesus’s bittersweet 2016Christmas Night In Harlem (Louis Armstrong cover)
The Birthday Girl vs Alexander’s Festival HallChristmastime, ApproximatelyHey Santa
45 GravePunk Rock ChristmasThe Snow Miser Song
LIINESRiot Grrrl ChristmasLonely This Christmas
The DoubleclicksSome Christmas SongsThat’s Family Christmas
Phil Awful and The ExperimentsMaybe Next Year: Paul DeGeorge’s 2020 Holiday MixMerry Christmas?
Sad13All My Friends Are Snowmen: Paul DeGeorge’s 2017 Holiday MixMake Christmas Great Again
LowChristmasJust Like Christmas
Glam ChopsCountdown to Christmas 2008Countdown To Christmas
The SaturnettesCommodore XmasCommodore Xmas
Kathryn Williams & Neill MacCollFor Folk’s Sake It’s Christmas 2011Christmas In Hell
JD McPhersonSOCKSEvery Single Christmas
the Waistcoats50,000,000 Elves Fans Can’t Be Wrong(I Wish You Could Be More Like) Santa Claus

My first stab at posting a music mix. Mostly melodic stuff…

JordanaClassical Notions of HappinessCrunch
The OpheliasAlmostLover’s Creep
Air WavesAir Waves EPLightning
Korea GirlKorea GirlB-Side
Sarah DougherThe BluffSystem Works
Kicking GiantAlien I.D.Town Idiot or She’s Real
King PrincessHold on BabyChange the Locks
Barbara Manning1212Isn’t Lonely Lovely
Leith RossMotherwellEveryone I’ve Never Met
God is My Co-PilotGet BusyI Cant Dance
Bitch DieselHailI Don’t Wanna Go Out
ReynosaClowning 7″Carinito (ORIGINAL BY LOS HIJOS DEL SOL)
Jessica Lea MayfieldWith Blasphemy So HeartfeltBible Days

Now, we’ve always wanted to explore domestic music more and so why not bring the laser focus of the Slow Radio Shower to the States. Once again, we made a master list of US states (and Canadian Provinces because why not?), and then rolled the dice. The result: Kentucky!

No real rules, just look for music from Kentucky. And have fun! Here is a link to music from Kentucky on Bandcamp

Tuesday, June 25 @ 2pm

Well, it took me a while to get started on this. So why not start with something familiar. Bonnie “Prince” Billy.

Friday, June 28 @ 2:30pm

This is some decent punk.

Quick Update

We will continue with Kentucky into July. Then for August we’ll return to the International Slow Radio Shower…

Tuesday, July 30 @ 11:45am

Some good Kentucky folk.

And of course my all time favorite album from Kentucky…

We enjoy exploring music from different countries. This June, we are listening to music from Finland, Europe. Join in by posting songs and thoughts about the music on this post…

So why Finland? There are nearly 290 territories and countries in the world. We created a master list of countries and territories and then rolled dice and that’s how we ended up with Finland.

So, how do you find music from Finland. One option is Bandcamp. You can use this link which will show all music tagged as coming from the country of Finland. In theory. However, take note, that people will tag their music based on a variety of factors so it’s good to verify it’s actually from Finland or if it is influenced by Finnish music or from a Finnish label. Anything is an acceptable contribution to this effort though. So if it’s from a Finnish label but it’s Lithuanian music – why not? Also I noticed that Finland has multiple tags so that’s just one of them. And you may want to search by certain cities as well, such as Helsinki.

You can use other sites too such as Spotify, Soundcloud, Last.FM or YouTube. However, most of those sites don’t have a geo-tag to search by. So it can be harder to find stuff. At the same time, most artists are on Spotify, but not everyone is on Bandcamp. And there is always Google searches. Since not everyone is on Bandcamp, it’s good to diversify how we find music.

Between now and the end of June, we’ll post music that we or others find and include appropriate commentary. Feel free to comment, suggest music to include, etc… This is most effective as a group effort.

Saturday, June 1 @ 1:30am

The first find in listening to Finnish music is the lovely Jazz from Linda Fredriksson.

Sunday, June 2 @ 12pm

Some Finnish post-rock from Tampere, Finland. This has an ambient touch to it. It’s very solid.

Monday, June 3 @ 1:30am

This is my favorite find so far. Some dreamy electronic indie pop.

Monday, June 3 @ 12:30pm

This is so interesting. Elokuu is inspired by Humppa – “Humppa is a type of music from Finland. It is related to jazz and very fast foxtrot, played two beats to a bar“. Enjoy! And thanks to Lorelai for this contribution!

Tuesday, June 4 @ 2pm

The music from Kauan is labeled as doom, folk, progressive rock, and ambient. And to be honest, it all fits. Plus this album has an associated RPG that you can get! Well worth the listen.

Wednesday, June 5 @ 11am

Teini-Pää is great. This music makes me so happy. Indie Pop that sometimes sounds like surf rock, sometimes like pop punk, and sometimes like Best Coast. Well worth the listen. All lyrics in Finnish.

Thursday, June 6

Today’s contribution comes from Eleanoora Rosenholm – a band from Pori that is probably best described as a weird bit of indie pop. This recent album is focused on a Soviet Union based storyline.

Thursday, June 6 @ 12pm

Today we get two posts. From the same Finnish label as Eleanoora Rosenholm we have Olimpia Splendid. Now I should have remembered how much I like them as I actually have a 7″ from them. But wow are they good! I guess this is Indie Noise? Who cares, I love it!

Friday, June 7 @ 11:30am

Today’s pick was described by Kim Gordon, “Islaja’s music is a dream, abstract and enchanted but grounded in the earthiness of a Finnish forest floor.” I mean, who am I to argue with Kim Gordon? Besides, she is not wrong.

Tuesday, June 11 @ 1:30pm

Jarse is interesting music. Sometimes melodic, other times experimental.

Wednesday, June 12 @ 12pm

Of course, Finland may be best known for its Metal. I am not an aficionado of metal. But I thought this was decent. I’ve barely delved into the metal yet though so don’t be surprised if I find much better.


This post-rock is really good. Occasionally heavy, occasionally dreamy, always instrumental.

Thursday, June 13 @ 11:30am

Got some real good suggestions from my friend Julian yesterday for Finnish metal. Here are two of my favorites.

Friday, June 14 @ 12:30am

This is so good. Especially the first track. Maybe Tar meets Pissed Jeans? Whatever. It works.

Saturday, June 14 @ 12pm

This is interesting. I really like it. Definitely an indie sound, a bit electronic at times, experimental for sure. In the end it’s just interesting…

Whereas this one is straight up indie rock.

And this may be best classified as indie pop rock?

We enjoy exploring music from different countries. This May, we are listening to music from Guyana, South America. Join in by posting songs and thoughts about the music on this post…

So, how do you find music from Guyana. One option is Bandcamp. You can use this link which will show all music tagged as coming from the Co-operative Republic of Guyana. But you can use other sites too such as Spotify or Soundcloud though there isn’t a tag to search by. And there is always Google.

Between now and the end of May, we’ll post music that we or others find and include appropriate commentary.

ETA. Read about Guyana here. The Wiki on Guyana Music is interesting. Did you know Mad Professor is from Guyana? I did not know this.

Saturday, May 18 @ 11pm

The first music of note so far is Research Kitchen.

Sunday, May 19 @ 12pm

This calypso with the drums and jazzy sound is quite delightful!

Sunday, May 19 @ 1pm

If you like industrial I am actually quite enjoying The Vulture Drones…

Monday, May 20 @ 1pm

I wouldn’t say this is great punk, but I like that it exists. A split 7″ with bands from Guyana and neighboring Suriname.

Monday, May 20 @ 6:30pm

This I thought was going to be ambient but it’s something else. It’s a pleasant listen.

Tuesday, May 21 @ 10:30am

I’m trying Youtube music playlists to find music from Guyana. This playlist is of Guyana folk music.

Tuesday, May 21 @ 2:30pm

Creole Rock is an interesting project. Gavin Mendonca is the artist behind this pop punk infused Guyanan music. He also features in a heavy metal band I’m going to give a listen to. And he has a folk project as well.

Wednesday, May 22 @ 12:30pm

Death Metal from Guyana. I know I tend to like everything sometimes but I do actually like this and I’m not usually a big death metal person.

Wednesday, May 22 @ 1:00pm

Just some simple acoustic offerings from a guitarist in Guyana…

And here is some more traditional Guyana music…

Saturday, May 25 @ 10:30PM

This isn’t exactly my thing but it’s lovely in its way. Singer-songwriter Juke Ross from Guyana.

Sunday, May 26 @ 12:30am

I haven’t listened to Iron Maiden in ages so I was surprised how quickly I recognized this cover. Anyhow, some metal from Guyana from Ettu Brutus.

Here in is just some music I found that I liked or was interesting while I have been sitting out my quarantine. This will meander a bit. I have a lot of listening to catch up on but these are items of interest to me – and maybe to you.


I’m pleased to report that LeftyFish has had a couple of releases since I last wrote about them. Soooooo goooood. Gotta like noise though.

The Ice Age

Let’s start with the interesting. This is a long lost record from Indianapolis’ psych/hard rock band Ice (aka Zukus). Not bad. More interesting than good perhaps. Certainly good enough to have released i’d think


This is interesting. This is some Turkish Psych from 1969. Pretty nice.

Continue Reading

Traveling via bandcamp that is. I’ve always appreciated the location tags on bandcamp. It gives an opportunity to explore a city, a country, a region for it’s music. It’s a central tool that we have used during our drunk radio showers. And so I find it useful.

On this stop, Dublin, Ireland. Or at least I assume Ireland. Maybe all of this music originates in Dublin, Ohio. Hard to tell. Also while I don’t prefer to stick to a city per se, as the rural remote artists have enough to angst about as well, this seemed an appropriate enough journey to start. Feel free to follow along…

First stop: Princess.

The newest tracks from Princess date to 2015. Did they break up? At first, my original reaction wasn’t positive as it was a bit too indie pop for me. But it did occasionally divert into noise. And listening to more they had a tendency towards occasional space rock – or even an 1980s influenced pop sound. Which I can deal with. And maybe that’s just nostalgia, but I did like this track:

Next Stop Barry McCormack

Maybe it was my mood, but that didn’t work for me.

How about Spongebob eyelashes?

Nice name. Would spongebob sue them? They could be spongebob jr eyelashes. They were ok but this made me go back and lose that “indie rock” tag. I’m not just looking for ok and I realized I didn’t want to hear self-proclaimed indie rock since it often didn’t fit the tag.

Jayne Pomplas

I have a soft spot for irish folk, so this settled in nicely from the get go. It really fit my mood and is some solid. On man, this really hit the spot.

That was a pure delight. Now let’s try some other folks…

Cold Old Fire

This group interested me with their band name which I really appreciated. They are a solid folk band, though in the end I maybe wasn’t in the mood. I think I just needed to switch to something more rockin’…

Fontaines DC

The start of the Chequeless Reckless album didn’t grab me, but it grew on me some by the end. The Fontaines are definitely more pop punk than my ideal, but they are solid enough for a mid-day listen. It’s probably the elevated mixing of the vocals. I really liked these tracks though:

I felt a need to dig deeper…

The Disco Participation Matrix

Is there a disco theme in Dublin? Initially the electronic sounding instrumentation turned me off. But it’s pretty good. The music was more instrument driven (sortof) and interesting. I highly recommend it!

Lina Andonovska

I can’t resist the experimental tag which is how I ended up on Lina. I might have an affection for any Lina based on our obsession with Norwegian crime drama – where Lina is apparently a common name.

Anyhow, there are a number of schools where experimental music falls. This is more the quiet, weird instrumentation. Which is solid, but not as good as the weird, noisy instrumentation. Still, I enjoyed this. It is no Lefty Fish though.


And then I found what I was looking for. Something closer to the core of what I like. The Electricals. The intro to “I’m Going to the Fucking Moon” immediately grasped me and pulled me in. Consistent use of discordance. The death vocals on track 1 are only part of what these folks have to offer. Some really excellent sounds. I can definitely recommend. This made me very happy.

I decided on one more stop. I tried a stop at Funeral Suits but was immediately scared away. The Department of Forever caught my eye. Interesting cover art and intriguing song titles. An ambient false positive (more on that another day). On to Thee U.F.O….


The poor sound quality caught my attention. I’m used to bands I love being more of the low budget variety. This had an initial acid rock feel. Thee U.F.O. were a nice ending point. It was indeed psych rock. More on the delightfully mellow end. Give it a listen and happy day!

This wasn’t a deep dive. It is just fun to dive into a region or place or collection of sounds and see what it has to offer. And this is what I found on a small little venture. Maybe something of interest to yinz as well…


OK we’re here. A little late but starting in a few minutes…

Let’s start with some ambient electronics…

Well that was low key… we’re apparently old and rusty. Next song coming shortly…

Ooh words half way through… drink up friends… here is some Småland

Sweden is really fun but we need something with some step. THis may not do that…

Oh man this is bad but fun! Omg it’s video game 80s music…


That was fun. A little Maiden-esque for those of us lacking better references…

That was fun. Let’s destroy it with some Crematory Stench!

Who are you calling horse face?

and now for some sports to go with spring training baseball which starts tomorrow…

sports sports sports….. omg fun. More kvinna stuff, with a bit of riot grrrrrllll.

That was very good. Kraut rock now?

That was also excellent. If you have a hang up about it (eyes roll)…

poppy punky and fun…so lets see what’s next…

That got boring. Some pink noise?

I imagine being exiled in Stockholm is like parking in Stockholm…

Ok lets slow it down a minute…

Truck fighting!

Ok that was solid… our gang is growing here. And now for the Ditches…

this is a Swedish song about something

Jen is now showing discipline by waiting to tomorrow before purchasing the above. That was out of order but here is where we are now…

Ok we got sidetracked by videos of kiss cover bands…

and something about baboon shows?

loving this marauder!

and now this…

ok some Viking folk or something such…

This could be iffy…

The moon coven…

Thanks for listening. Or whatever you call it. Good morning to Sweden when you wake up!

Sorry for the silence. Evolving through my emo mess. There is a new Lou Barlow EP out though, and that is a good way to break the silence. With some understated over emotional music. Obviously.