
All posts for the month October, 2015

Wake up slowly. Then engulf yourself with some live Town Portal. Then have brunch or whatever you like to do and get ready for the Interstellar Radio shower. Tonight. 9pm. WRCT. 88.3 FM Pittsburgh.

Welcome to another edition of the Interstellar Radio Shower Week in Review. Herein we navel gaze.

Matt Picks a Jim Song 

This week was a real battle of the caps lock bands, with PUNT‘s noisy lofi barely taking the title from BOYTOY. Honorable-honorable mentions go to Cina Polada and the aptly named Woozy.

Jim Picks a Matt Song

Lots of great choices from Matt this week. Destruction Unit is always great. The new Protomartyr is great. The Hinds and the Parrots covers are good fun. But i’m going to go ahead with a strong personal preference and choose some lovely Double Double Whammy lo fi from Florist.

Sunday, October 4th Radio Show Playlist

No show this week as we both decided seeing Built to Spill live took precedence. We’ll be back on tomorrow night at 9PM, streaming on

Now here’s some music that’s pretty much made for the fall weather. Florist have a sort of “timeless guitar strummer” vibe going on that reminds me of a lower-fi, more analog version of the wonderful kind of indie rock Mutual Benefit and Foxes in Fiction both put out last year.

I’m not huge on electronica. A lot of electronica sounds just rub me wrong. But this I really like. From Athens, the Greek one. This song is particularly neat but certainly forlorn.

No Joy’s More Faithful was a really enjoyable slab of dreamy/gazey indie pop that came out earlier this year. Here’s a video for “Judith”, one of the more sedated tracks from the release.
Oh dear, two late posts in one week. Apologies! Until I figure out how to make my millions posting other people’s songs on this page daily, I have to continue working at an (admittedly pretty sweet) job that can involve jet lag and strange hours. I’ll get my blog game on point, starting now.
I just heard “Son A Propulsion” over at the Aquarium Drunkard last week, but it’s been stuck in my head pretty much ever since then. Turns out Cuba could get pretty funky in the late 70’s.

ALL CAPS band names are a thing. BOYTOY is touring with La Luz. They are entirely compatible on such a bill. They are a little heavier sounds but not without the surf indie pop affections. They even have some Grass is Green-esque guitars happening at times. Their new album just came out so check it out here.