
All posts for the month March, 2015

Looking to kill some time on a lazy Sunday? Settle in and watch this documentary on the Tuareg Desert Music Festival that took place near Timbuktu in 2011, just months before rebels overtook the area and began enforcing sharia law.
Once you’re done with the film and checking airfare to Bamako, why don’t you tune into the radio show tonight? We’re on 9PM til midnight every Sunday. 88.3FM if you’re in Pittsburgh, or streaming at everywhere else in the universe.
You might have noticed my last few posts have mellowed out a bit, and that’s no real accident. A lot of that has to do with the impending sunshine and gradual lifting of grey that is springtime in Pittsburgh. Summer roadtrips are starting to get schemed and even my own music has taken a turn towards the more subtle as of late. That last point may be slightly related to my neighbor and I having differing definitions of the term “noise violation”, but I digress… All of this is to say that this song by Sam Prekop (he of Sea and Cake fame) and the accompanying visuals are pretty much exactly what’s going on inside my headspace right now.

Words are hard. This song is excellent. I really like Speedy Ortiz. They seem to be getting quite a bit of attention. And good for them. Singer Sadie Dupuis lost her dad this past week though. So as much as I like this, it feels so sad to me and my heart goes out to her and her family. And to all of those, and you know who you are, who have lost parents recently. Or ever really. It’s a terrible thing to go through. Anyhow, it’s still a great song worth sharing, so here it is. Hang in there friends and strangers alike.

If you listen to the show with any regularity, you’re probably already familiar with my Stereolab obsession. Laure Briard’s new album, Revelation, has been a great way to scratch that itch lately, especially as we wind into springtime, AKA prime weirdo French pop weather

This is the age of open misogyny. Fortunately, Jean Smith knows what to say about it.  Thank you Jean.  Thank you David Lester.  Thank you Mecca Normal.

Ok, so that’s pretty cool.  But how about mecca normal in a canoe?  wtf?  I know.  Very wonderful.