
All posts for the month January, 2015

The Vaselines just played Philly.  Evident via many of the post from my old WKDU friends in those parts.  Anyhow, this is great of course. And today is a good day for it.  My first day back to work post-surgery.  One more stepping stone!

This is some pretty cool old live footage of ESG.  The dancing kiddo is quite good. This video was posted with a couple other videos here.  This quote from that post cracked me up:

I only saw them live once, myself — in 1990 or so at a weird hippie warehouse space in Manhattan called Wetlands.

I worked at Wetlands in the mid-1990s so know it pretty well.  Mainly though, “weird hippie warehouse space” is a fairly accurate description.  

Woods has always been a bit hit-or-miss for me, but this live version of “With Light and Love” from last year’s Pickathon sure does hit hard, especially around the 4:30 mark.

I’m a wimp about the cold.  But I suppose, if you’re band is called Rural Alberta Advantage, you should be expected to play outside at the north pole.  Or at least in a cold park in Germany.

Inventions features members of Explosions in the Sky and Eluvium, and sounds pretty much just like you’d expect it to, considering the contributors. As “Springworlds” demonstrates, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.